
Fosroc Brushbond TGP

Fosroc Brushbond TGP

Brushbond TGP* crystalline capillary waterproofing system contains a proprietary blend of portland cement, quartz aggregate and special chemicals. In the presence of moisture, the active chemicals in Brushbond TGP* crystalline waterproofing system penetrates concrete and react chemically with free lime to produce insoluble crystals. This crystalline growth reduces porosity by blocking capillaries and filling hairline non-structural cracks ( up to 0.25mm wide)caused by shrinkage or expansion. Unlike metallic and membrane types of waterproofing which only form a surface barrier, the Brushbond TGP* crystalline waterproofing system, in the presence of water, continues producing crystals and lasting imperviousness to water.

Brand Fosroc
Packaging Size 15 kg
Shelf Life 12 months from mgf date
Storage Condition Stored in cool, dry and covered Place
Coverage 1 to 1.5 kg/m 2 per application (brush)
Temperature 5 degree C